Guinea Bissau Employer of Record & Payroll

2.061 million (2021)
1.639 billion USD (2021)
Agriculture & Processing
What is the main language spoken in Guinea-Bissau:
The official language of Guinea-Bissau is Portuguese, spoken by ±11% of the population, whilst Guinea-Bissau Creole [derived mostly from Portuguese] is spoken by ±44% of the population.
Overall Guinea-Bissau is multilingual and ±20 African languages predominate.
Very few people speak English in Guinea-Bissau, especially away from the capital.
What type of employment contracts can you offer in Guinea-Bissau:
- Fixed Term
- Indefinite term
- Be in writing
- Be in the official local language and the local currency
- Include salary/compensation, benefits and termination requirements
- Have specific working terms and conditions
- Can be eligible for organizational perks and/or other benefits
- Tend to be more focused [as only one employer] and familiar with the specific business – due to e.g. ongoing company training etc.
- Probationary period is 1 – 3 months [maximum]
- Probationary period may be extended under exceptional circumstances e.g. for highly complex roles to 6 months [maximum]
What income is exempt from taxes in Guinea-Bissau:
- Income from agriculture, livestock, fishing, and forestry is generally exempt from income tax.
- Scholarships, stipends, and grants for educational purposes may also be exempt.
- Consulting with a tax professional or referring to official tax resources is recommended for accurate information.
Standard working hours: Number Overtime to be paid?
In Guinea-Bissau, standard working hours are typically 40 hours per week. If an employee works beyond these hours, it is considered overtime. Employers are required to pay overtime at a rate that is at least 50% higher than the regular hourly rate.
What are the mandatory contributions of Guinea Bissau?
- Contribution Rate: The employer is responsible for contributing 7% of the employee’s gross salary to the Social Security Fund (CNaPS).
- Threshold: There may be a minimum salary threshold or income limit above which the contributions apply. However, the specific threshold amount is not available.
- Contribution Rate: The employer is required to contribute 4% of the employee’s gross salary to the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM).
- Threshold: Similar to Social Security, there may be a minimum salary threshold or income limit, but the exact threshold amount is not provided.
- Contribution Rate: The employer must contribute 2% of the employee’s gross salary to the National Employment and Vocational Training Fund (FNEF).
What is the Maternity and Paternity policy within Guinea Bissau:
- leave be at least 60 days
- No statutory paternity leave in Guinea-Bissau
What type of leave is allowed in Guinea Bissau:
Annual leave
- 7 days, full pay for four months of continued service that can be used during the calendar year.
Sick Leave
- 5 days’ pay annually
Do I need to pay a mandatory bonus annually OR is it discretionary in Guinea Bissau:
There is no statutory requirement to pay a 13th or 14th month salary / bonus in Guinea-Bissau.
However, regular bonuses are customary for employees – but they are monthly as opposed to quarterly or attached to holidays.
What Gratuity / Severance payments do you need to provide for Guinea Bissau:
- The notice period is 1 month for employees with less than 3 years of service.
- Otherwise the notice period equals 2 months
- Severance pay equals 1 month of remuneration for each year of service.
Yes you can but keep in mind that Fringe Benefits will be subject to employee PAYE tax. Only benefits that cannot be converted to cash will not be subject to tax. If the employer covers some of the employees expenses i.e. mobile phone then it must be subject to PAYE tax and either the employer will cover this portion for the employee or the employee will bear the PAYE tax.
Mandatory Probation period of Guinea Bissau:
The probation period in Guinea Bissau is determined by the employer and is mandatory for new employees.
Is 13th month pay (Bonus) mandatory?
Not mandatory, applicable as per contract.
What are the Corporate and VAT / Sales tax rates in Guinea Bissau:
Corporate Tax Rates: 25% [in general]
VAT / Sales Tax Rates: 15% [on most goods and services]
Public Holidays in Guinea Bissau:
- January 1 - New Year's Day
- January 20 - National Heroes' Day
- March 08 - International Women's Day
- April 22 - Korité
- May 01 - Labour Day
- June 29 - Tabaski
- August 03 - Pidjiguiti Day
- September 24 - Independence Day
- November 14 - Readjustment Movement Day
- December 25 - Christmas Day
What Industries we support in Guinea Bissau:
- Non-Governmental Organization’s (NGO) / Non- profit
- Engineering & Construction
- Government / Development Agencies
- Oil & Gas
- FMCG & Manufacturing
- Private Equality, Finance, Insurance & Banking
- Mining
- Agriculture
The information provided above is for an “informative decision” and may change at any given time without prior notice. We always suggest speaking to one of our Sales Consultants before engaging in country.